Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monsieur Hire (Patrice LeConte, 1989) -- 2/5

The Fog of War (Errol Morris, 2003) -- 2/5

Destricted (Larry Clark, Gaspar Noe, Matthew Barney, et al, 2006) -- 1/5

The Human Centipede: First Sequence (Tom Six, 2009) -- 3/5

Black Swan -- (Darren Aronofsky, 2010)-- 4/5

White Material -- (Claire Denis, 2010) -- 2/5

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 ( David Yates, 2010) -- 2/5


  1. Welcome Michelle! Glad to be able to look forward to the Black Swan. How did you see it? And, really, how weird that we would both see Monsieur Hire in the same week? I probably liked it more because the title character reminded me so much of my lovable and creepy friend Ross.

  2. Hey J, I saw it of course at an advance special screening @ the Arclight in Sherman Oaks a few weeks ago. A colleague of mine had hook-ups. Really liked the film's Polanski-esque horror. And you gotta love the ballet. Costume. Make-up. Music. On-location shooting at the Lincoln center. The "E" rollin' sequence. It's all good.

    That is pretty weird, yeah. I had M. Hire sitting at home for weeks before I finally saw it. I'm so over the middle-aged man voyeuristic fantasy. Utterly exhausted, boring, and passé.

  3. Yeah, like *you* could resist looking at Sandrine Bonnaire.

    -Middle-Aged Man
