Monday, August 27, 2012

The Hurricane (John Ford, 1937): 5/5

Nosferatu, rw (F.W. Murnau, 1929): 4/5

The Turin Horse (Bela Tarr, 2011): 4/5

Also: Beau Travail (Claire Denis, 1999): 5/5

1 comment:

  1. I just listed to Steve Reich's Music for 18 Musicians from beginning to end and changed my Turin Horse rating from a 3 to a 4. We'll see if it continues to rise. From the review of the new Swans album in Pitchfork: "To paraphrase something the author Ben Marcus said in a trenchant conversation with Jonathan Franzen about the value of experimental fiction, it is not a record for someone deciding whether or not they'd rather be listening to music or playing paintball."
